Thursday, August 17, 2006


MTV which is stand for Music Television, is original found in New York City and work on only music videos. Over time, MTV now oriented to almost the entertainment like game shows, soccer play, and especially more and more advertisements are broadcasted on MTV. This channel support the need of adolescents and young adults and this is also now a place where youth would express their talence in the way they want, there are no limit to explode their idea on MTV.
That's why " only in MTV" is chosen as the tittle of the concept for MTV station ID. Besides, there were a lot of slogans was along with MTV for a long time , you can see on the link :
Because of their wide range all over the world, MTV spread its branch to not only in Southm North America, but also in Europe, in Africa and now it is very sucessful in Asia. You can also enjoy entertain some related channels like MTV2 MHD MTV Desi MTV Chi MTV K MTVU MTVX MTV Jams MTV Hits
ON the other hand, there are also some critic about MTV that this channel is not helpful for children, teenager, it would harm to their independance, too much freedom that they would not have any responsibility or care of anyone's else life, just like American style " live for their own" , too open, too funny but too lonely and that make them more stressful. I totally agree with this comment. As someone said MTV helped them to relax, well, with me, this is definitey not, this brings me more nervous , more hurry feeling and more tired each time listening or watching MTV. So that this channel is not at all my favourite. Work is only for work, I do for MTV station ID anyway.


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