Wednesday, August 16, 2006 : WIKI Is as WIKI does

WIKI. com, a bad domain as its owner John Gotts said , is bought 2.8 millions dollar. Now, more and more people joins wiki by its subdomains starting by topic like
Wiki also provide you place to add and edit content on a specific topic, sound very much similar to WiKiPedia site, the site which I usually use before starting struggling myself in a pool of information.

So, why WIKI Is WIKI does? As a business man, Gotts collects money through keyword advertising, by registrants for their subdomains and he will sell the site with the already developed popular site. As he said "When you get into the millions of dollars, it makes absolute sense to test it out before you buy it. Otherwise, you're doing nothing but gambling." Such a business man. This make me thinking of what will I do with my design, design for design or design for living. Well, with me design is first for design, then it should to be tranfered for living because you can not design without living, and live to design.

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