Thursday, August 31, 2006


Zero-G , or weightlessness , is a company's name that will offer commercial space excursion and vacations to public. What is about it ?
- space, astronauts, shuttles, space station, no gravity, light speed
- astrology, mathematics, physics, intellectuals ,
- NASA, Apollo
- travel, new, strange, dream, enjoyable, free, empty

Why Apollo is the famous name ?
Apollo is original the god's name of music and light. He was also well known in prophecy, medicine, archery, arty field like dance, poetry. The concern is that Apollo is also the name of the human spaceflight missions conducted 1961–1975, sending a man to the Moon. Apollo 11 was sucessfully doing the goal in 1969 by returned the man safely to Earth.
It was always seem very impossible, like a dream to everyone to think of going to another planet. But now with the idea of ZERO-G, customers can make their dream come true by using the company's service : go for a travel to space station. The spending will be quite expensive , so that target audience for this branch name will be the rich class. They can be political administrators, famous persons, the stars... The slogan would be thought of :
" Like us"
" No different"
" Free fall"
" Feeling with nothing"
" Not a dream by 0-G"
" No secret anymore"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Scott Onstott- mathematical Artist today

Scott Onstott's Artwork is inspired by "geometry, mathematics, computer graphics, modern physics, crop circles, Pythagorean and Egyptian mysticism, Islamic patterns, Buckminster Fuller, color theory, science fiction, polyhedra, Taoism, kirtan, gematria, numerology, astrology, the Kabbalah, gnostics, and medieval alchemy".

Mathematical and Art

More about mathematical and Art, after MC Eschen, this art is being developped over time , not only drawing, but digital techniques would provide this more real and logic .

Like George W.Hart, Robert Fathauer, Scott Onstott , etc.. whose art works got the idea from mathematic to create design.
As Robert Fathauer, he diplomated and works as Physican , mathematican, electric engineer. But with his interest on design , he found tessalation and focus on digital art than drawing on paper like MC Eschen.

Links for more information on mathematical and art:

Monday, August 21, 2006

MC Eschen

I had a dream but still not have idea or even a way that help me describe or express it. I was occassionally have a present - a birthday calendar which the pictures are MC Eschen's artwork.

Looking at his achieves, my first impression is his logical representation in graphic. He can lie my eyes by his logic in expressing the pictures.

Maurits Cornelis Escher ,1898- 1972, is a Dutch. His style of art is based on mathematical ideas. But it was very impressive that Escher had no formal mathematics training beyond secondary school. Escher’s work encompasses the geometry of space, and the logic of space. Though him , students learned about the mathematical in art, like tessellation, pollyhedra, the shape of the space, the logic of space, self-reference and information. But how he applied all those regulations to art? Eschen based on the fomal to creat the graphics and distord them, combine the logic with the imagination to create his own style in design, open the range of mathematical ideas in art.

for more interest, visit:

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Again, TIKI

TIKI in my inspiration

And here, TIKI in 3Ds, back, front and side.

And again, I found this hunour TIki, play on the tone of pronunciation, it brings you a funny story ( well, maybe) ...

Finally, this is where you can see some art works: DELL recall 4 million batteries

What 's wrong with DELL this year, its laptops sold with slowly speed, and the company provide a lot of promotion. This reduce the income of this largest computer supply 50% last year. What happen? The reason is the DELL laptop can be burned into flames caused by its battery cell made by Sony. Now Dell is recalling for notebook batteries from between April 1 , 2004 and July 18 this year, and customers will have free replaced batteries from DELL.
TO illustrate, Dell officer confirmed that his laptop caught fire in Illinois , later in Japan and Singapore. And as I think , a machine obsolutely can not work too much for a long time, it got fire is not a strange event. Just wonder why the company make it so big problem.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Around MTVlogos

Update MTV logo for 2006

Wherever MTV


MTV which is stand for Music Television, is original found in New York City and work on only music videos. Over time, MTV now oriented to almost the entertainment like game shows, soccer play, and especially more and more advertisements are broadcasted on MTV. This channel support the need of adolescents and young adults and this is also now a place where youth would express their talence in the way they want, there are no limit to explode their idea on MTV.
That's why " only in MTV" is chosen as the tittle of the concept for MTV station ID. Besides, there were a lot of slogans was along with MTV for a long time , you can see on the link :
Because of their wide range all over the world, MTV spread its branch to not only in Southm North America, but also in Europe, in Africa and now it is very sucessful in Asia. You can also enjoy entertain some related channels like MTV2 MHD MTV Desi MTV Chi MTV K MTVU MTVX MTV Jams MTV Hits
ON the other hand, there are also some critic about MTV that this channel is not helpful for children, teenager, it would harm to their independance, too much freedom that they would not have any responsibility or care of anyone's else life, just like American style " live for their own" , too open, too funny but too lonely and that make them more stressful. I totally agree with this comment. As someone said MTV helped them to relax, well, with me, this is definitey not, this brings me more nervous , more hurry feeling and more tired each time listening or watching MTV. So that this channel is not at all my favourite. Work is only for work, I do for MTV station ID anyway.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 : WIKI Is as WIKI does

WIKI. com, a bad domain as its owner John Gotts said , is bought 2.8 millions dollar. Now, more and more people joins wiki by its subdomains starting by topic like
Wiki also provide you place to add and edit content on a specific topic, sound very much similar to WiKiPedia site, the site which I usually use before starting struggling myself in a pool of information.

So, why WIKI Is WIKI does? As a business man, Gotts collects money through keyword advertising, by registrants for their subdomains and he will sell the site with the already developed popular site. As he said "When you get into the millions of dollars, it makes absolute sense to test it out before you buy it. Otherwise, you're doing nothing but gambling." Such a business man. This make me thinking of what will I do with my design, design for design or design for living. Well, with me design is first for design, then it should to be tranfered for living because you can not design without living, and live to design.

Here are some logos for :




ILLY- logo

This logo created for ILLY coffee , by Matteo Thun, founder of the Memphis Design Group. Even though the ILLY is not popular in Vietnam at the moment but it is becoming leader in quality of coffee as well as the service and design.

ILLY has the expression of not only coffee but also place for art and culture together. It brings you to the taste of passionate expresso, "exquisite painting and inspired pice of music or writing". Sounds fantastics.

About the logo, white and red, clean and sexy, quite but exciting, simple but chic. This gives the extremely over exciting by their conflict of colors and their meanings and impress to viewers a lot. The written looks simple, easy to have in mind.

To have more info about Illy, visit :
In Vietnam , Illy has a main location in Ngo Duc Ke treet, ad this restaurant still not have their website. Are you interested in ? ??